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Gastro-intestinal cancer

Israeli doctors diagnose and cure all kinds and types of gastro-intestinal cancer tumors

  • esophageal cancer
  • liver cancer
  • gastric cancer
  • carcinoid
  • rectal cancer
  • colon cancer
  • anal cancer
  • pancreas cancer
  • gall bladder cancer
  • colorectal cancer
  • sigmoid cancer
  • cecum cancer

There are various kinds of gastro-intestinal cancer tumors. Israeli doctors have vast experience in treatment of oncological diseases. For each patient, an  individual treatment plan is built, in accordance with location of the tumor, its size and presence or absence of metastases. Diagnostics of the disease before development of a treatment plan is made by both traditional  methods such as gastroscopy and  colonoscopy and  by  innovative methods, such as positron emission tomography (PET) scan.

It is important to remember that screening (examination for the purpose of early diagnostics) often helps to identify the tumor at the stage when its cure can be limited  to a minimally invasive,relatively  small, intervention.  

The main method of treatment of gastro-intestinal cancer in Israel is surgical intervention. The tumorous area is resected, while the existing  disturbances are corrected by reconstructive surgery. In certain  cases, surgical therapy is replaced by radiotherapy  with  a cyber knife or gamma knife apparatus. This therapy effectively destroys the tumor, is painless and does not traumatize the surrounding tissues. The treatment is completed by chemotherapy, which destroys metastases and prevents tumor relapses.

Treatment of gastro-intestinal cancer in Israel is not less effective than the  treatment  in Europe and USA, but its cost in  Israel is considerably lower!!. In summary,patients with gastro-intestinal cancer receive in Israel highest  level of diagnostics and cure  and receive  a  kind,warm   and  heartfelt  attitude of all medical staff involved.  

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